KTM-Gruppe: Drei Insolvenzverfahren
Forderungsanmeldung für Gläubiger über
Usually, a business partner's insolvency cannot be prevented. In the overwhelming majority of cases, however, it can be predicted. With our monitoring programme, we keep you up to date about every change in KSV1870 rating.
This is how the Monitoring works:
Cost per year depending on the number of companies observed.
Cost per year depending on the number of companies observed.
Cost per year depending on the number of companies observed.
Select any of these criteria to add them to the KSV1870 rating.
Status | Registered office | Number of employees |
Assessment | Legal form | Warehouse |
Payment method | Share capital | Accounts payable |
Individual maximum credit | Management | Receivables |
Debt recoveries | Company shares | Investments |
Negative Information | Shareholdings | Vehicle fleet |
Insolvency data | Activities | Foreign trade |
Company name | Land register | Balance sheets |
Main office | Revenue | Bank details |
Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Great Britain, Hungary, Italy, Ireland, Latvia, Lithuania, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, USA
Cost per year depending on the number of companies observed.
Cost per year depending on the number of companies observed.
For every report with a KSV1870 rating and single maximum credit you purchase, you can order 1 year of monitoring for the price of EUR 12.00. We will notify you by e-mail in the event of changes to the KSV1870 rating, status, single maximum credit, debt recovery cases, negative information, insolvency, company name, and main office.
Automatic credit standing monitoring for companies.
If defined observation criteria change, the customer receives an automatic KSV CreditMonitor by email and the changes are also displayed in the logged-in area at: Query monitoring/archive.
Bomo National: Selection of 28 observation criteria for three product options.
Bomo International: Pre-established observation criteria
Available for the countries: Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Great Britain, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, USA
Logged-in area: monitoring, analyses, rating class distribution, order number or select all, display (rating chart)
List per rating class/risik class order number or select all, display, print or CsvMail.
When you procure information including KSV1870 Rating, you can order a SingleMonitor for 1 year. Customer receives automatic information in accordance with pre-established observation criteria.
Cost: EUR 12, ends automatically.
The KSV-SingleMonitor change notifications are displayed at: Query information/archive.