
More security in retail business

In retail business, security comes first. Companies that sell products and services to private individuals need rapid and pertinent information on their customer's credit standing. The KSV1870 PersonalProfile and RiskIndicator provides this transparency at a glance!

Knowing your retail customer's credit standing

  • allows for customised payment terms,
  • secures deliveries on open account and
  • opens new business fields for your company.
KSV1870 RiskIndicator

Credit standing at a glance

The KSV1870 RiskIndicator is an expert model that visualises the risk of payment irregularities using an indicator – just like the KSV1870 Rating does for business information.

This value will take into account your individual requirements for risk weighting as necessary Integrating your risk approaches into the model gives you an individual score, allowing a pinpoint assessment of the respective situation.


Select from the following options:

You would like to know more about your business partner's economic background? Business PersonalProfile lists current and former positions defined under commercial law and provides information on financial interest held, the person's place of residence, bank details and lots more.

  • Personal data
  • Addresses
  • KSV1870 RiskIndicator
  • Payment method (only with research)
  • Evaluation (only with research)
  • Business responsibilities
  • Previous business responsibilities
  • Interest held
  • Insolvency data
  • Bank details
  • Land register

You need an efficient tool to reduce your uncollectable accounts receivable? Consumer PersonalProfile comprises master data, essential information regarding payment history and a KSV1870 assessment.

  • Personal data
  • Addresses
  • KSV1870 RiskIndicator
  • Debt recoveries
  • Negative information from third parties
  • Insolvency data
  • Viability index
  • Land register

This service informs the lending industry about the current credit standing of existing or potential customers from ConsumerCreditInformation and the warning list. Note: Warning list only for banks, CCI only for banks and leasing companies.

  • Personal data
  • Addresses
  • KSV1870 RiskIndicator
  • Credit data
  • CCI score
  • Warning list
Request information

How to obtain a credit report on your retail customers:

As a member of KSV1870, you receive access to the My KSV Member Portal.  Queried reports on individuals are stored in your personal My KSV archive for 30 days.

As a member, you benefit from many additional advantages.

Learn more about Membership


We will be happy to advise you if you have specific requirements.
Call us on T: 050 1870-8800 or email us at

Data pool

Many data sources – one result

Information from various KSV1870 datapools feeds into the report on individuals.

  • Available for 7.5 million private individuals in Austria
  • Takes into account 435,000 internal and external payment issues
  • Some 10,500 personal insolvencies initiated or rejected per year
  • Some 5,100 corporate insolvencies initiated or rejected per year
  • 1.04 million individuals holding corporate positions governed by commercial law

Financial: For banks and leasing companies only, this information service also accesses data in the ConsumerCreditInformation (CCI). Additional details contained in the warning list are displayed for banks. This exclusive advantage considerably improves the informative value on credit!



Why should you opt for a KSV1870 credit report?

Clear statement

The KSV1870 RiskIndicator cuts to the chase as it provides you with information on your private client’s credit standing, consolidated from multiple data pools.

Fully informed

7.5 million personal data records in Austria are available online and the PersonalProfile gives you a comprehensive picture.


See all the details rolled into one information report or procure the KSV1870 RiskIndicator via an interface integrated directly into your systems.

  • Comprehensive database
  • Available online instantly
  • Credit standing at a glance