Legal Notice of Kredit­schutz­ver­band von 1870

Wagenseilgasse 7
1120 Wien

T: 050 1870-1000
F: 050 1870-99 1000

Articles of Association of Kreditschutzverband von 1870

Registered association since 12 February 1870
Central Association Register no.: 175263718

VAT number: ATU 16357706

Supervisory authority: Magistrate of the City of Vienna, Federal Ministry of Justice 
Chamber affiliation and memberships: Austrian Federal Economic Chamber
Applicable legal provisions: Trade, Commerce and Industry Regulation Act (GewO), Insolvency Act (IO),

Disclosure pursuant to § 25 Media Act:
Media proprietor, publisher:
Kreditschutzverband von 1870, 1120 Vienna, Wagenseilgasse 7, registered association
Authorised representative bodies: 
Executive Committee: Roland Wernik MBA (President), Reinhold Süßenbacher, Wolfgang Wahlmüller
Managing Directors: Ricardo-José Vybiral, MBA, Hannes Frech, MD
Purpose of the association: Protection of the assets of all kinds of its members as well as the interests of creditor protection in general.

Consumers have the possibility to submit complaints to the EU's online dispute resolution platform: European Online Dispute Resolution Platform (ODR platform),